Interface MoreTraceableEdge<AgentType>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MEdge, MGeoEdge, MRepastEdge

public interface MoreTraceableEdge<AgentType>
extends MoreEdge<AgentType>

The traceable edge enables the modeler to mark edges that are activated during the particular tick. I.e., when these edges are output (e.g. via MGraphMlWriter) every tick the edges that were "used" during the specific tick can be visualized/analysed accordingly. The modeler calls activate() to mark the edge and set the active property, and MoRe cares about deactivating the edge for the subsequent tick again. NOTE: Implementation of this interface need to take care to schedule the de-activating at the very beginning of the next tick (since output is often done not before the end of a tick the edge may not be de-activated to early).


Method Summary
 void activate()
          Mark the edge active for the current tick.
 boolean isActive()
          True if the edge was/is active during the current tick.
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.more.basic.edge.MoreEdge
getEnd, getStart, getWeight, isDirected, setWeight

Method Detail


void activate()
Mark the edge active for the current tick.


boolean isActive()
True if the edge was/is active during the current tick.
