Interface MoreNetworkEdgeModifier<AgentType,EdgeType extends MoreEdge<? super AgentType>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
MoreGeoNetworkEdgeModifier<AgentType,EdgeType>, MoreGeoNetworkService<AgentType,EdgeType>, MoreGeoRsNetworkService<AgentType,EdgeType>, MoreNetworkModifier<AgentType,EdgeType>, MoreNetworkService<AgentType,EdgeType>, MoreRsNetworkService<AgentType,EdgeType>
All Known Implementing Classes:
MCompleteNetworkBuilder, MDefaultNetworkEdgeModifier, MGCompleteNetworkBuilder, MGeoHomophilyDistanceFfNetworkService, MGeoNetworkService, MGeoRsBaselineNumberNetworkService, MGeoRsBaselineRadiusNetworkService, MGeoRsBaselineRingNetworkService, MGeoRsCompleteNetworkBuilder, MGeoRsHomophilyDistanceFfNetworkService, MGeoRsHomophilyDistanceNetworkService, MGeoRsIdealHomophilyDistanceNetworkService, MGeoRsIdealNetworkService, MGeoRsNetworkEdgeModifier, MGeoRsNetworkService, MGeoRsRandomNetworkService, MGeoRsSocialDistanceAttachNetworkBuilder, MGeoRsWattsBetaSwBuilder, MGeoRsWattsBetaSwPartnerCheckingBuilder, MGroupBaselineRadiusNetworkService, MNetworkService, MRsCompleteNetworkBuilder, MRsErdosRenyiRandomNetworkService, MRsNetworkService, MWattsBetaSwBuilder

public interface MoreNetworkEdgeModifier<AgentType,EdgeType extends MoreEdge<? super AgentType>>

MORe The MoreNetworkEdgeModifier provides features to consistently add and remove edges to or from a network. This is particularly important when using networks within a geography (see MGeoRsNetworkEdgeModifier). It thus goes beyond a MoreEdgeFactory and rather uses MoreEdgeFactorys to create edges.


Method Summary
 EdgeType createEdge(MoreNetwork<AgentType,EdgeType> network, AgentType source, AgentType target)
          Creates a new edge from source node to target node within the given network and takes care for additional work in the particular context, e.g.
 MoreEdgeFactory<AgentType,EdgeType> getEdgeFactory()
 boolean removeEdge(MoreNetwork<AgentType,EdgeType> network, AgentType source, AgentType target)
          Removes an edge from source node to target node within the given network and takes care for additional work in the particular context, e.g.

Method Detail


EdgeType createEdge(MoreNetwork<AgentType,EdgeType> network,
                    AgentType source,
                    AgentType target)
Creates a new edge from source node to target node within the given network and takes care for additional work in the particular context, e.g. adding links in a geography.

network -
source -
target -
the (new) edge


boolean removeEdge(MoreNetwork<AgentType,EdgeType> network,
                   AgentType source,
                   AgentType target)
Removes an edge from source node to target node within the given network and takes care for additional work in the particular context, e.g. removing links in a geography.

network -
source -
target -
true if the deletion process was successful.


MoreEdgeFactory<AgentType,EdgeType> getEdgeFactory()
the underlying edge factory