Interface MoreNodeMeasureSupport

All Known Subinterfaces:
MoreLaraNetworkAgent<A,E,BO>, MoreNetworkAgent<A,E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
MAbstractAnalyseNetworkAgent, MAbstractLaraAnalyseNetworkAgent, MAbstractLaraNetworkAgent, MAbstractNetworkAgent, MMeasureSupportAgent, MRsEncapsulatedContextJungNetworkTest.TestAgent, MTestGraphs.MTestNode, MTestUtilsLara.MTestNetworkAgent

public interface MoreNodeMeasureSupport

MORe Node objects that shall enable the calculation and usage of network and node measures need to implement this interface.


Method Summary
 Number getNetworkMeasureObject(MoreNetwork<? extends MoreNodeMeasureSupport,?> network, MMeasureDescription key)
          Returns the value-object of this vertex for the network measure identified by the network measure key with the network this measure is associated with.
 void setNetworkMeasureObject(MoreNetwork<? extends MoreNodeMeasureSupport,?> network, MMeasureDescription key, Number value)
          Sets the value-object of this vertex for the network measure identified by the network measure key with the network this measure is associated with.

Method Detail


void setNetworkMeasureObject(MoreNetwork<? extends MoreNodeMeasureSupport,?> network,
                             MMeasureDescription key,
                             Number value)
Sets the value-object of this vertex for the network measure identified by the network measure key with the network this measure is associated with.

network - The Network the measure value to set is associated with
key - The Key that identifies the measure to set
value - Value-object of measure to set


Number getNetworkMeasureObject(MoreNetwork<? extends MoreNodeMeasureSupport,?> network,
                               MMeasureDescription key)
Returns the value-object of this vertex for the network measure identified by the network measure key with the network this measure is associated with.

network - The Network the measure value to set is associated with
key - The Key that identifies the measure to set
value The Value of this vertex for the given network measure key, null if the specified measure key has not been set.