Enum MNetBuildHdffPa

  extended by java.lang.Enum<MNetBuildHdffPa>
      extended by de.cesr.more.param.MNetBuildHdffPa
All Implemented Interfaces:
de.cesr.parma.core.PmParameterDefinition, Serializable, Comparable<MNetBuildHdffPa>

public enum MNetBuildHdffPa
extends Enum<MNetBuildHdffPa>
implements de.cesr.parma.core.PmParameterDefinition

Parameter definitions for the Homophily Distance Fire Forest Network Service. See MGeoRsHomophilyDistanceFfNetworkService. Default parameter values are based on [1] [1] Holzhauer, Sascha. Dynamic Social Networks in Agent-based Modelling. Unpublished dissertation.


Enum Constant Summary
          The order of agent selection during forest fire linking is relevant since the later agents have more links to follow.
          Weight for geographical proximity regarding partner homophily.
          Weight for milieu regarding partner homophily.
          Class that provides a distance distribution.
          First (A) parameter of distribution for distances.
          Second (B) parameter of distribution for distance.
          PLocal parameter of distribution for distance.
          XMin parameter of distribution for distance in KM.
          To calculate the distance dependent link probability (d_r)^\alpha.
          Shapefile for hexagons that are used to groups agents in to clusters of near-by instances to ease computation of distances between agents.
          Class that provides a degree distribution.
          First (A) parameter of distribution for degree.
          Second (B) parameter of distribution for degree.
          Max. radius to potential partner agents that are considered as ambassadors in meters.
          Probability to connect to a specific milieu.
          Determines the probability of establishing links from partners of the focal agent (e.g. ambassador) (and recursively).
          Determines the probability of establishing links to partners of the ambassador (and recursively).
Method Summary
 Object getDefaultValue()
 Class<?> getType()
static MNetBuildHdffPa valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static MNetBuildHdffPa[] values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.parma.core.PmParameterDefinition

Enum Constant Detail


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa K_DISTRIBUTION_CLASS
Class that provides a degree distribution. Default: NegativeBinomial.class. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap. However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa K_PARAM_A
First (A) parameter of distribution for degree. Default: 3.11 (empirical value of r of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap. However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa K_PARAM_B
Second (B) parameter of distribution for degree. Default: 0.17 (empirical value of r of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap, However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIST_DISTRIBUTION_CLASS
Class that provides a distance distribution. Default: org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.WeibullDistribution. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap. However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIST_PARAM_A
First (A) parameter of distribution for distances. Default: 1.02 (empirical value of k of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap. However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIST_PARAM_B
Second (B) parameter of distribution for distance. Default: 174.24 (empirical value of r of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap, However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIST_PARAM_XMIN
XMin parameter of distribution for distance in KM. Default: 20.00 (empirical value of r of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap, However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIST_PARAM_PLOCAL
PLocal parameter of distribution for distance. Default: 0.70 (empirical value of r of the total network, see [1]). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap, However, this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa P_MILIEUS
Probability to connect to a specific milieu. Actually a map with double for each milieu. Default: 1.0/MNetworkBuildingPa.MILIEUS (if not null - 0.5 otherwise). Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap but this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS
Max. radius to potential partner agents that are considered as ambassadors in meters. This is sometimes useful to reduce computational effort since it reduces the collections that need to be initialised. Default: Double.MAX_VALUE. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap but this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DISTANCE_PARAM_A
To calculate the distance dependent link probability (d_r)^\alpha. Default: 1.0. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap but this parameter definition is required to access values in the map.


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa PROB_BACKWARD
Determines the probability of establishing links from partners of the focal agent (e.g. ambassador) (and recursively). Default: 0.2. The values is multiplied by distance and milieu related probabilities (see DIM_WEIGHTS_GEO and DIM_WEIGHTS_MILIEU). For social influence, this is more important than this#PROB_FORWARD because it is regarded for incoming links of the focal agent (i.e. the focal agents decides about its social influence).


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa PROB_FORWARD
Determines the probability of establishing links to partners of the ambassador (and recursively). Default: 0.0. The values is multiplied by distance and milieu related probabilities (see DIM_WEIGHTS_GEO and DIM_WEIGHTS_MILIEU).


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIM_WEIGHTS_GEO
Weight for geographical proximity regarding partner homophily. Default: 0.5. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap but this parameter definition is required to access values in the map. See also PROB_FORWARD).


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa DIM_WEIGHTS_MILIEU
Weight for milieu regarding partner homophily. Default: 0.5. Values are normally taken from MMilieuNetworkParameterMap but this parameter definition is required to access values in the map. See also PROB_FORWARD).


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa HEXAGON_SHAPEFILE
Shapefile for hexagons that are used to groups agents in to clusters of near-by instances to ease computation of distances between agents. The bounding box of the hexagons should not exceed the area too much since it is used to computer the maximum extend of the agents' locations (otherwise, set this#MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS appropriately).


public static final MNetBuildHdffPa AGENT_SHUFFLE_INTERVAL
The order of agent selection during forest fire linking is relevant since the later agents have more links to follow. In order to mitigate this effect the network service allows to shuffle the ordering after the number of turns specified here. Default: Integer.MAX_VALUE

Method Detail


public static MNetBuildHdffPa[] values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
for (MNetBuildHdffPa c : MNetBuildHdffPa.values())

an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared


public static MNetBuildHdffPa valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
the enum constant with the specified name
IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
NullPointerException - if the argument is null


public Class<?> getType()
Specified by:
getType in interface de.cesr.parma.core.PmParameterDefinition
See Also:


public Object getDefaultValue()
Specified by:
getDefaultValue in interface de.cesr.parma.core.PmParameterDefinition
See Also: